Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Phuket Weather 23 July 2012 - Khao Pansa Day

Today is first day of Buddhist Lent, Pansa in Thai language, from now for three lunar mounts the Monks will stay in the temples, this is because is the start of the rain period, Sop they will spend more time on meditation. on Khao Pansa Day also many Thai male that haven't done yet their Monkshood period enter the temples.

Weather is on line with this, rain start falling heavily last night and was raining all day long, with some sun strays between midday and afternoon. In the morning wind was sometime strong and waves offshore during storms could be around two meters.
High tide in Phuket
Patong Beach - high tide

being a Thailand public holidays many people enjoyed Khao Pansa Day resting, perfect with air cooled by rain. No alcohol sales and may restaurants will be closed.

From tomorrow weather should improve to then go to sunshine and now wind by the weekend.


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