Monday, May 7, 2012

Easy Day Thailand Staff Party at Khao Sok – Part 2

Easy Day Staff Party 2012: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

After our initial stop we headed to the middle of the dam to await the arrival of several members of our group that had trouble getting started as early as the rest of us. Again the views from this vantage point were incredible and we all enjoyed relaxing on the grass while we waited patiently. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we took some pictures marking it as the “Easy Day Thailand Staff Party 2555”. It took several attempts to get the pose just right.

After this brief respot and once the entire group was together, we headed down to the “Long Tail Boat” docks to board our boat for the trip across the approximately 1,500 sq Kilometer lake. Getting down to the boats and then boarding them proved to be an adventure in itself for me, but once on board the breeze and spray from the bow of the boat as it cut through the water were very pleasant.

Once we reached the far end of the lake, we arrived at a restaurant/cabins resort where we had both breakfast and lunch.

While the adults relaxed and ate, the kids in our group enjoy a refreshing dip in the lake and tried practising their kayaking skills.


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