Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tauchen in den Similan Inseln

Ein Jahr ist es her das ich an den Similan Inseln tauchen war. Das letzten mal war es eine Tauchsafari von Phuket nach Similan und dem Richeliu Rock. Dies mal sollte es eine Tages Ausfahrt sein.

Am Tag zuvor rief mich ein Freund an der seit einigen Tage in Khao Lakist, und hat mich eingeladen nach Khao Lak zu kommen um eine Tauchtagestour nach Similan zu machen. Ich habe mich nicht 2x bitten lassen, sondern sofort zugesagt. Es bietet sich mir ja nicht jeden tag die Gelegenheit. Also packte ich schnell meine Tauchausrüstung zusammen und packte sie auch direkt ins Auto.

Am nächsten morgen klingelte um 5 der Wecker und nach einem kleinen Imbiss schwang ich mich ins Auto. Und schon machte mich auf den Weg von Phuket nach Khao Lak, das ca. 90 km entfernt ist. Da ich rechtzeitig los fuhr war ich schon innerhalb von 30 Minuten auf dem Festland in Phang Nga und nach weiteren 45 Minuten kam ich im KhaoLak City Hotel an, in dem mein Freund wohnte. Ich hat ein wenig Zeit um mir das kleine aber sehr gepflegte Guesthouse einmal anzusehen. Das Kleine Hotel hat alles was man braucht von gepflegte Zimmern mit Bad und Klima Anlage, einem kleinen Restaurant und eine zentrale Lage. Ein 7/11 Supermarkt direkt daneben und nicht weit entfernt von einem von Khao Lak's schönsten Stränden.

Um 7.30 Uhr sollte der Bus kommen der uns zum Boot in Tab Lamu bringen soll. Der Bus kam über pünktlich und nach 20Minuten war ich und mein guter alter Tauchpartner bereits auf dem Tauchboot, der MV Pinyo. Die MV Pinyo ist ein neues Tagestouren Schiff das von IQ Dive betrieben wird.

Nach einer kurzen aber informativen Willkommen an Bord Ansprache unseres Tourleiters Hans, legte das Schiff nach wenigen Minuten ab und wir waren auf dem Weg zu den Similans. Die Überfahrt dauerte 2.5 Stunden und während der Überfahrt wurde ein Frühstück serviert das nichts zu wünschen übrig lies.

Nach dem Frühstück hatte ich ausreichend Zeit meine Tauchausrüstung zusammen zubauen. Nach einem kurzen Sonnenbad was es dann auch schon Zeit sich für den ersten Tauchgang bereit zu machen. Während sich die Taucher an Bord bereit machten wurden die Schnorchler mit dem Beiboot an den Strand gebracht. Die MV Pinyo machte sich kurz darauf auf den Weg zum ersten Tauchplatz des Tages dem Baracuda Point. Der Tauchplatz befindet sich an der Süd-Spitze der Similan Insel 5.

Der Tauchgang war wie zu erwarten ein wahres Erlebnis. Erstklassige Sicht, jede Menge Fisch und ausser unserem Tauchschiff keine anderen Taucher im Wasser.

Zurück an Bord erwartet uns bereits ein sehr gutes Mittagessen das aus 2 Hauptgerichten und Reis bestand und frischen Obst, das in Thailand bei keiner Mahlzeit fehlen darf.

Nach einer guten Stunde Erholung auf dem Sonnendeck machte wir uns wieder bereit für den nächsten Tauchgang. Diesmal geht es zum East of Eden, einem der Farben prächtigsten Riffe der Similan Inseln. Und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht - Ein grossartiger Tauchgang mit ich einen wunderschönen Tauchtag abschiessen konnte.

Nach dem Tauchgang wartete bereits eine Sandwich Bar auf uns. Verhungern kann an Bord MV Pinyo mit Sicherheit nicht.

Nachdem alle Taucher und Schnorchler wieder an Bord waren machten wir uns wieder auf den Rückweg nach Tab Lamu.

Im Hafen wurden wir bereits von enem Minibus erwartet und zurück ins Hotel gebracht.

Khao Lak - Diving Similan Islands

The alternative to Liveaboards to Similans are diving day trips and you can enjoy these beautiful Similan dives sites staying in Khao Lak and diving every day.

Similan Islands are a great destination for snorkeling and sightseeing too and you will be able to take the whole family with you or your friend and partners that are non divers.

So I went to Khao Lak and spent a week there to see how operations work, select the best day trip boats and few hotels to suggest for our holidays packages in Khao Lak. Its beginning of November, the high just started but not many people already around, good weather apart strong wind for one day.

To get there I went on a diving day trip on South Siam III with pick up in Phuket and after the diving day I’ve been drop at my hotel, just 30 minutes from Tab Lamu pier. The first day I went diving at Koh Bon. I did two dives, both very good with clear calm water. A lot of life as usual and was good to see how coral reef is recovering fast here. Koh Bon is famous for diving with Mantas but they normally show up from January. On the way back to Tab Lamu Pier we had a rough sea that puts speed boats to the limit, so it took a while to come back. Next day weather was good but wind to strong and wave to big so all speed boats were canceled.

As I couldn't go diving I rented a motorbike and explored Khao Lak, looking for a friend that run IQ dive. Wasn’t to difficult the dive shop is where it was three years ago and now even easier to find as the shop is just opposite Mc Donald. They operate day trips to Similan with a traditional dive boat – M/V Pinyo. So I booked myself for two days with them to explorer the Similan Islands. More about prices etc here: Scuba Diving Khao Lak

Scuba Diving Khao LakFirst day was a day for divers, two great dives, condition were very good all week, clear water, no current and lot of life around us. Also begin of season so not too many boats on the dive spots. We dived Elephant Head and West of Eden both great. The boat offers comfort and space for everyone, they take maximum of 25 divers and 10 snorkelers and everyone can easily find a place to sit and relax enjoying the two hours and 30 minutes ride to Similan. Air-con saloon with table, upper deck with mats and sun chairs. The dive deck offer space enough for divers and guides. A good fresh breakfast and lunch cooked on board plus after the last dives a sandwich buffet is available with fresh fruit too.

Next day the boat was scheduled to dive sites that allow easy access to the beaches of Island number 4. This is perfect for a family trip to Similan and to discover the great reefs there. Also good for groups or couples with divers and non divers or just all non divers. The boat has a tender boat that takes the people on the beach on beautiful Honeymoon bay. A snorkeling guide will show the great reef that is just in front of white sand beach. The vegetation on the island offers a great shelter from sun and on the other side there is the rangers station with facilities. After pick up the divers from first dive everyone back on boat for lunch. Second dive at East of Eden. Diving on this site is very good but snorkeling is amazing great the tender boat will assist the non divers. Back on boat and a relaxing trip to the mainland.

Now I can really compare the different ways to dive the Similans. Surely Liveaboard is still the best option and for sure the only good option to dive Richelieu Rock and Koh Tachai as well.

For those who love Liveaboard trips, but like flexibility in departure we suggest South Siam III and South Siam IV. The first does Similan and Koh Bon while the second, with a minimum of three days stay, allows diving at Richelieu Rock and Koh Tachai. These boats guest also day trippers from Khao Lak and Phuket. Good service and great fun for snorkeler and non divers.

If a day trip is your option then you can choose between speed boat transfer to a main boat in Similan or traditional diving boats. My suggestion is the traditional diving boat, the day out will be a bit longer but more comfortable and more fun. Speedboat run fast but offer limited space inside, small or no toilette and no space at all to relax. With small wave the trip will be longer and even less comfortable. The traditional boat offer space to read a book, chat with your friends, have a nap or enjoy compulsory sandwiches and your beer (soft drinks are free of charge but beers not). Surely will take more to come back but this is holiday why rush and get stressed, take it easy for another great easy day Thailand diving.

The day out on M/V Pinyo is great if your group is a mix of divers, non divers and snorkeler, just book everyone on Saturdays for an unforgettable day.

We can organize your holiday in Khao Lak. We work with a few selected hotels that we personally know, two are located in Khao Lak main center, one down the beach, the Ocean Breeze and one aon the on Hill side, the Palm Hill. Then we offer a good guest house just outside the most touristy area the Khao Lak City Hotel that is 7 KM from main center and just 2 from Bang Niang Beach.

I know i will go back for a few days in Khao Lak...

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Liveaboard last minute deals

Listing of last minute deals for Phuket Thailand Liveaboard trips:

For booking inquiries please send an email to Info@seafundivers.com (Please let us know boat name and departure date)

Deluxe Double C9 available on Black Manta for the 23 - 27 November 2009 trip at a last minute 10% discount!!!

MV Black Manta

Similans, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai & Richelieu Rock

23 - 27 November 2009

4 days / 4 nights (14 dives)

LAST MINUTE Offer: only 31,500 Baht per diver



14th November:

The Junk

5 Days / 6 Nights to the Similans and Richelieu Rock

Departure on 14 Nov. 2009 in the evening (18:00 pm.) and Return on the 10 Nov. 2009 in the morning (08:00 am.) (Possibility to disembark Thursday at 23.00 pm)

Regular price 1,250 $US for a single berth in a quad shared cabin and 1,750 $US per person for the private double bed/twin shared cabin.

Last minute booking offer:

-Only 35,000 baht ( Quad shared )
-Only 49,000 baht ( Private Cabin/Twin shared )

All our cabins are fully air-conditioned and have toilet and hot/cold water ensuite.

Pick up time in Kata-Karon 17.30-17.45 Pm.
Pick up time in Patong 17.45-18.00 Pm.


MV Queen Scuba - Last minute Price for the trip of 15-19 November 2009

Trip Departs: Tuesday 15th November 2009

Trip Returns: Saturday 19th November 2009

Duration: 4 days & 4 nights

Destination: Similan Islands, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai, Richelieu Rock, Surin Islands and Bonsoong Wreck

Dives: 14

Standard Quad share cabin: Normal Price = 29,000 Baht per diver. 20% DISCOUNT = 23,200 Baht per diver. (3 spaces available)

Standard Triple share cabin: Normal Price = 30,500 Baht per diver. 20% DISCOUNT = 24,400 Baht per diver. (3 spaces available)

VIP Twin share cabin: Normal Price = 37,000 Baht per diver. 20% DISCOUNT = 29,600 Baht per diver. (1 spaces available)

VIP Double bed cabin: Normal Price = 37,000 Baht per diver. 20% DISCOUNT = 29,600 Baht per diver (1 cabin / 2 Spaces available)


7 - 11 November 2009

MV White Manta - 4 days / 4 nights (14 dives)

Similans, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai & Richelieu Rock

LAST MINUTE Offer: 10% discount

Still available…

- 1 Master cabin (C5) @ 26,100 Baht per diver.

- 1 space in Deluxe Twin cabin (C6) sharing with a male @ 23,400 Baht per diver.

- 1 space in Deluxe Twin cabin (C7) sharing with a female @ 23,400 Baht per diver.

The discounted prices quoted above do *not* include National Park fees, which is an additional 1,600 Baht per diver.


Also on 7th November:

The Junk - still 1 place in twin shared cabin and 3 places in quad shared cabin available!

5 Days / 6 Nights to the Similans and Richelieu Rock

Departure on 07 Nov. 2009 in the evening (18:00 pm.) and Return on the 13 Nov. 2009 in the morning (08:00 am.) (Possibility to disembark Thursday at 23.00 pm)

Regular price 1,250 $US for a single berth in a quad shared cabin and 1,750 $US per person for the private double bed/twin shared cabin.

Last minute booking offer:

-Only 35,000 baht ( Quad shared )

-Only 49,000 baht ( Private Cabin/Twin shared )

All our cabins are fully air-conditioned and have toilet and hot/cold water ensuite.

Pick up time in Kata-Karon 17.30-17.45 Pm.
Pick up time in Patong 17.45-18.00 Pm.

Back to Thailand Diving packages & last minutes

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Visit a friend in Koh Samui

This was the chance to stay in Koh Samui for a few days and see what’s real about the different weather conditions you find in Samui and Phuket.

So I left rainy and stormy Phuket in middle of September with a daily morning flight from Bangkok Airways, that connects the two resort islands. The daily flights make it very easy to get from Phuket to Samui. In less than one hour, ten minutes earlier the scheduled time, I was in the beautiful Samui airport. I was surprised that the weather was really good with sun shine and only some clouds, no wind and almost flat see, and we were at end of Samui high season.

Phuket high season starts and Samui is in off season. This is the winning combination that makes Thailand a year round destination. It is a fact that the best time to visit Samui is from February to end of September, while Phuket offers the best from November to end of April and good weather in July and August too. Clear form this that October is most rainy months in Thailand and can rain every where. These are basic indication and luckily nature can’t be controlled so low season many time are good for rates and weather.

Once in Samui it is easy to move around. You find there is one main ring road that runs all around the island and one that connects Chaweng to Bo Phut. The road is just bit more than 50 Km, using a scooter it will take about one and half hour to make it all around. So I took my friend’s scooter and just went down to Chaweng to have a quick look.

Staying in Koh Samui you will understand soon that all action and life is on the East Coast, where you can go from Big Buddha beach down to Lamai and further south to look for beaches and nice places where spend your vacation easy days. Choosing a beach really depends on what the person is looking for.

Chaweng Beach has night life, a lot of restaurants for dining out, pubs, bars and shopping, and surely also the most jammed road on the island. Find a place to park even with a motorbike is difficult. Best solution and easiest way is to use the local pick up (Songteaw) that run all day and night in Chaweng Beach for a small fee. For just 20 Thai baht you can jump in and out at any place.

Sunset view from the pool at Varinda House Lamai Beach is the second most important tourist area on Samui Island and offers a different style, more relaxed and less eclectic. Here you find small guest houses and medium sized hotels on the beach or on the cliff just behind. Staying in Lamai enjoying your holiday will pass slowly and you will release all stress. Here I have been to see the Varinda House. I think its a great to stay. It's built on the cliff of Lamai and the swimming pool is its edge - a real infinitive horizon pool. The staff is very friendly and you find a really family atmosphere.

The others beaches on Samui are smaller centers and the west coats is the commercial harbor of Samui. You only go there if need to take a ferry to mainland or wait for a delivery from the mainland.

You find plenty of hotels in Samui for all budgets and needs. I was staying in a private house in a small villa complex overlooking the North Bay and Koh Phangan Island. Staying in a Villa is a good solution if planning a long stay or like more privacy. During my visit I went to see some hotels and selected the best to offer for our holidays packages in Koh Samui.

The best way to move around is riding a bike. But you need to be very carefully and drive slowly. Samui offers a freedom life style, so nobody will ask you to wear a helmet, but almost everyone drives careless which makes the roads the only real dangerous thing in Koh Samui.

Taxi meters are available but the meter doesn’t work, looks like they all broken. So agree the fare before you get on the taxi, remember that they all work together so bargain is very limited and it also depends on your way to deal and sympathy. I enjoyed the motorbike, but remember to stop when it's raining because the roads will flood quickly. Stop, have a beer and go again when condition are OK.

During my stay i decided to go diving in Samui. So I booked a diving day trip out to Chumporn Pinnacle and Koh Tao. This one of the activity available here and many companies offer day trips and courses. I booked with Coral Grand divers and next morning at 7:30 I was at the dive center, ready to explore Samui's underwater world. A speed boat (all diving excursion are with speed boats) took us in about 1 hour and 30 minutes on top of Chumporn Pinnacle. I found excellent diving conditions with visibility over 30 meters, plenty of fish life all around us and beautiful corals. Then lunch in Koh Tao – Mango bay and second dive on local reef in Koh Tao. The reef is shallow here and visibility not great so was a god dive but nothing really exciting compared to the dive in the morning.

In Samui there are many things to do, from diving and snorkeling around the islands to elephant trekking on the central mountain. Sightseeing to Koh Phangan and nearby National Parks or all normal stuff during an holiday on a tropical island. You also can just enjoy the relaxed life style and indulge yourself on the beach all day just doing nothing and taking life easy.

To close my report I like to compare a bit Samui and Phuket. The 2 islands are rivals on the Thailand tourism market but also complementary. I believe it is worth try to visit both of them during a holiday in Thailand and then decided for the next time where to stay longer.

How to get there – Easy for both specially by airplane, Phuket airport offers many more flights while Samui has the most beautiful airport probably on the world.

Dimension – surely Phuket wins here and this means more people and more traffic, so from airport to your hotel can take up to one hour, while in Samui never more than 30 minutes. Surprising for the same fare.

Things to do – Koh Samui is smaller but is surrounded by many other islands and every day you can go to a different one. Follow the link for more about Samui Tours.
Phuket offers easy access to famous Phi Phi Islands, Similan islands, Phang Nga Bay and great islands on the south. Activity are similar on both places but Phuket's position allows more. Night life and shopping are surely unbeatable in Phuket. Samui is more relaxed and tranquil.

The Sea – Samui clearly on 2nd position as the Gulf of Thailand is a close small sea that collects big rivers such as the Mekong and the sea is not very clear. Phuket is open to the Andaman sea so the Indian Ocean with blue waters and spectacular reefs.

Weather – as said they are complementary with Phuket high season from November to April and offering good condition in July and heavy rains only in October. While Samui high season runs from February to September with heavy rains from October to December

Everyone can find pro and cons for both but is great to have them in the same country so visit them both they have different souls.

Many times during your holiday you will hear “same, same but different”. Which is true.

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